Live Oak Middle School Office Building



School Site Council (SSC)     Meeting Flyer and Current Agenda

The school site council (SSC) is a group of teachers, parents, classified employees, and students (at the middle school level) that works with the principal to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets. The members of the school site council are elected by their peers. 

English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)      Meeting Flyer and Current Agenda

The English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) is a group of English Learner parents and community members who advise and assist schools in making important decisions related to services for English Learners. The California Education Code requires an ELAC be formed at schools with more than 20 identified English Learners. Any student's parent or community member can serve on the ELAC. The ELAC executive board is made up of five ELAC members who can only be elected by parents of English Learners. At least three members of the executive board must be parents of English Learners themselves. The chairperson must be a parent of an English Learner in attendance at the school.

SSC and/or ELAC agendas and minutes are available upon request. Please contact the school office.



Our Grizzly Growl just wouldn’t be as strong without the backing of the Live Oak Middle School Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO). Show your child that you care about education, and come on out and support us. Yes, you—you got this!  2023-2024 PTO Meeting Dates


                         2023-2024 PTO Officers:

                         President- To Be Determined

                         Vice President- To Be Determined

                         Treasurer- To Be Determined

Let’s Work Together!

This force of remarkable volunteers serves our students and staff by facilitating fundraising activities, which provides us with the monetary means to purchase sports equipment or participate in field trips not otherwise funded by public monies. The PTO is the muscle behind many of our student and family-oriented activities and generously recognizes our amazing staff members throughout the school year.  Most recently, our PTO has purchased sports equipment and additional picnic benches for our students to enjoy during their free time on campus. We are always looking for more volunteers to assist on our PTO. If you are interested in helping, please contact our school office. 

9/27 3:30      1/31  3:30    4/10  3:30

We invite you to attend our PTO meetings held on one Thursday (unless otherwise specified) each month of the school year. All meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Live Oak library.


District Opportunities     Stakeholder Engagement Opportunities
Tulare City School District welcomes educational partner input and feedback at all times.  The public is welcome to attend all meetings and education opportunities.
Tulare City School District welcomes volunteers in the classroom and at school events.  Please contact your school site to get more information on how to be involved.