Live Oak Middle School Office Building

Our Community Service Projects

The Grizzlies are committed to assisting individuals and charitable organizations throughout our community. Please see below to see how we stay actively involved in our community:
United for Good
This year Live Oak has teamed up with TCSD schools throughout the city of Tulare to support Friends of Tulare Animal Services. Friends of Tulare Animal Services is an organization dedicated to supporting Tulare Animal Services by improving the welfare and well-being of animals in our community. They provide assistance in the form of promoting adoption and fostering programs, organizing events, raising awareness about responsible pet ownership, supporting spay/neuter initiatives, and transportation. Join us in supporting such an amazing organization by purchasing your 23-24 UFG shirt that we wear every Wednesday to show that we are United For Good! 

Coins for Caring
Each year Live Oak students participate in a coin drive to benefit Tulare Lighthouse Rescue Mission, a charity providing services to women and children in our area. Our school community is able to raise several hundred dollars annually to benefit this worthy cause. 

Kids Day
Live Oak students, along with student volunteers across the valley, wake up early every year on a designated Kids Day. On this special day, our students man busy intersections across town to sell a special edition of the Fresno Bee newspaper with all the proceeds going to benefit Valley Children’s Hospital. Through the years, several Live Oak families have been the benefactors of services at Valley Children’s Hospital and have come to speak to our students about the importance of this cause.